neovars: ini-input sanitization + some cleanup

This commit is contained in:
ferdinym 2020-10-05 09:32:04 +02:00
parent 3a3b07886a
commit 14104c0e6b
1 changed files with 65 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ UniFontLocalFilePath := ApplicationFolder
UniFontLocalFile := UniFontLocalFilePath . "\" . UniFontFilename
UniFontZipFontPath := "dejavu-fonts-ttf-" . UniFontVersion . "\ttf\" . UniFontFilename
BSTguiTitle := "Neo-Bildschirmtastatur"
BSTnumLayouts := 4
; default layout
@ -264,28 +266,52 @@ BSTOnSize() {
if (BSThidden or (BSTxSize == A_guiWidth) and (BSTySize == A_GuiHeight)) ; quick return
local xSize := BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_width
local ySize := BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_height
local guiWidth := A_GuiWidth
local guiHeight := Round(guiWidth*ySize/xSize,0)
local yPosition := WorkAreaBottom - Round(guiWidth*ySize/xSize,0) - 1
local layoutVariant := (Mod3RAufAe and BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_hasVar1 ? 1 : 0)
Gui, Show, % "Y" . yPosition . " W" . guiWidth . " H" . Round(guiWidth*ySize/xSize,0) . " NoActivate", Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
Gui, Font, % "s" . Round(guiWidth*12/xSize,0) . " bold", % UniFontName
local scale := A_guiWidth/BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_width
BSTResize(scale, A_guiWidth)
; Resize and reposition the GUI window
; By default, the window is resized to given scale and moved to the bottom of the screen.
; Use centerX=1 to centered horizontally; use xSize to fix the width.
BSTResize(scale:="", xSize="", centerX=0) {
if (scale == "")
scale := bstScale
local xSize_, ySize, xPos, yPos, fontSize
BSTmakeDimensions(xSize_, ySize, xPos, yPos, fontSize, scale)
xSize := (xSize ? xSize : xSize_) ; fix width if provided
Gui, Show, % (centerX ? "x" . xPos : "") . " y" . yPos . " w" . xSize . " h" . ySize . " NoActivate", %BSTguiTitle%
Gui, Font, % "s" . fontSize . " bold", % UniFontName
Loop, Parse, GuiKeyList, `,
GuiPhysKey := A_LoopField
GuiControl, -Redraw, GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%
GuiControl, Font,GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%
GuiControl, Move,GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%, % "x" . Round(GuiPosx%GuiPhysKey%*guiWidth/xSize,0) . " y" . Round(GuiPosy%GuiPhysKey%*guiWidth/xSize,0) . " w" . Round(38*guiWidth/xSize,0) . " h" . Round(38*guiWidth/xSize,0)
GuiControl, Move,GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%, % "x" . Round(GuiPosx%GuiPhysKey%*scale) . " y" . Round(GuiPosy%GuiPhysKey%*scale) . " w" . Round(38*scale) . " h" . Round(38*scale)
GuiControl, +Redraw, GuiKey%GuiPhysKey%
local layoutVariant := (Mod3RAufAe and BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_hasVar1 ? 1 : 0)
Loop, Parse, BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_var_%layoutVariant%_levelImgs, `,
GuiControl, , BSTlevelPicture%A_Index%, % "*w" . guiWidth * 1.0 . " *h-1 " . ResourceFolder . "\" . A_LoopField
GuiControl, , BSTlevelPicture%A_Index%, % "*w" . xSize * 1.0 . " *h-1 " . ResourceFolder . "\" . A_LoopField
BSTxSize := guiWidth ; update cached dimensions
BSTySize := guiHeight
; update cached dimensions
BSTxSize := xSize
BSTySize := ySize
; Define various dimensions for the GUI window
; Requires globals WorkAreaBottom, bstLayout
BSTmakeDimensions(byRef xSize, byRef ySize, byRef xPos, byRef yPos, byRef fontSize, scale) {
xSize := Round(BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_width * scale)
ySize := Round(BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_height * scale)
xPos := Floor((WorkAreaRight - xSize)/2.) ; centered (floor ~ autocentering in Gui Show)
yPos := WorkAreaBottom - ySize - 1 ; lift by 1 pixel (e.g. to bring up hidden taskbar with mouse)
fontSize := Round(12*scale)
; Prepare for suspension
@ -295,7 +321,7 @@ BSTStartSuspend() {
if (!GuiCurrent)
; display translucent
WinSet, TransColor, White 185, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, TransColor, White 185, %BSTguiTitle%
; Prepare for end of suspension
@ -306,9 +332,9 @@ BSTEndSuspend() {
if (!GuiCurrent)
; display opaque
WinSet, Transparent, 255, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, Transparent, Off, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, TransColor, White, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, Transparent, 255, %BSTguiTitle%
WinSet, Transparent, Off, %BSTguiTitle%
WinSet, TransColor, White, %BSTguiTitle%
CharProc__BST0() {
@ -482,7 +508,7 @@ BSTergodoxLayout() {
GuiAddKey("enter",440,240) ; moved
BSTisoLayout(hasNumpad = 1) {
BSTisoLayout(hasNumpad:=1) {
; key spacing 1u = 20px * 2 (scale of export) = 40px
@ -595,7 +621,7 @@ BSTisoLayout(hasNumpad = 1) {
BSTisoTKLLayout() {
CharProc__BST1() {
@ -678,15 +704,13 @@ CharProc__BST1() {
DllCall( "GDI32.DLL\AddFontResourceEx", Str, UniFontLocalFile ,UInt,(FR_PRIVATE:=0x10), Int,0)
SysGet, WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea
local xSize := Round(BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_width * bstScale)
local ySize := Round(BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_height * bstScale)
local yPosition := WorkAreaBottom - ySize - 1 ; lift by 1 pixel (e.g. to bring up hidden taskbar with mouse)
local layoutVariant := (Mod3RAufAe and BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_hasVar1 ? 1 : 0)
local xSize, ySize, xPos, yPos, fontSize
BSTmakeDimensions(xSize, ySize, xPos, yPos, fontSize, bstScale)
Gui, Color, FFFFFF
Gui, Font, % "s" . Round(bstScale*12,0) . " bold", % UniFontName
Gui, Font, % "s" . fontSize . " bold", % UniFontName
local layoutVariant := (Mod3RAufAe and BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_hasVar1 ? 1 : 0)
local level := 0
Loop, Parse, BSTlayout_%bstLayout%_var_%layoutVariant%_levelImgs, `,
@ -712,9 +736,9 @@ CharProc__BST1() {
; create hidden GUI window (avoid flicker between now and update)
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound +Resize +ToolWindow -0x40000 -DPIScale -Caption -MaximizeBox
Gui, Show, % "y" . yPosition . " w" . xSize . " h" . ySize . " NoActivate Hide", Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
Gui, Show, % "x" . xPos . " y" . yPos . " w" . xSize . " h" . ySize . " NoActivate Hide", %BSTguiTitle%
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinSet, TransColor, White, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, TransColor, White, %BSTguiTitle%
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
GuiCurrent := "BST"
@ -725,12 +749,15 @@ CharProc__BST1() {
BSTxSize := xSize
BSTySize := ySize
if (A_IsSuspended)
; register mouse events
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")
; start dragging with WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
@ -738,11 +765,11 @@ BSTToggleAlwaysOnTop() {
if (BSTalwaysOnTop) {
Gui, -AlwaysOnTop
WinSet, Style, +0x40000, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, Style, +0x40000, %BSTguiTitle%
BSTalwaysOnTop := 0
} else {
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
WinSet, Style, -0x40000, Neo-Bildschirmtastatur
WinSet, Style, -0x40000, %BSTguiTitle%
BSTalwaysOnTop := 1
@ -882,12 +909,18 @@ BSTRegister() {
if bstLayout is not integer
bstLayout := 1
bstLayout := Mod(bstLayout, BSTnumLayouts)
if (bstScale <= 0) ; invalid scale
if bstScale is not number
bstScale := 1
else if (bstScale <= 0) ; invalid scale
bstScale := 1
if (useBST or useDBST)