
143 lines
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namespace NeoLayoutViewer{
public class ConfigManager {
public Gee.HashMap<string,string> config;
private Gee.HashMap<string,string> description;// allow optional commenting config entrys.
public ConfigManager(string conffile) {
this.config = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>();
this.description = new Gee.HashMap<string, string>();
//add defaults values, if key not set in the config file
public Gee.HashMap<string, string> getConfig(){
return config;
private void addSetting(string name, string val, string? comment){
config.set(name, val);
if( comment != null )
description.set(name, comment);
Standardwerte der Einstellungen. Sie werden in eine Konfigurationsdatei geschrieben, falls
diese Datei nicht vorhanden ist.
Standard values. This vaules will be written in the config file if no config file found.
public void add_defaults(){
//config.set("show_shortcut","<Mod4><Super_L>n", "Toggle the visibility of the window.");
addSetting("show_shortcut","<Ctrl><Alt>q", "Toggle the visibility of the window.");
addSetting("on_top","1", "Show window on top.");
addSetting("position","3", "Window position on startup (num pad orientation)");
addSetting("width","1000","With in Pixel. Min_width and max_width bound sensible values. ");//Skalierung, sofern wert zwischen width(resolution)*max_width und width(resolution)*min_width
addSetting("min_width","0.25", "Minimal width. 1=full screen width");//Relativ zur Auflösung
addSetting("max_width","0.5", "Minimal height. 1=full screen height");//Relativ zur Auflösung
//addSetting("move_shortcut","<Mod4><Super_L>R", "Circle the window posisition");
addSetting("move_shortcut","<Ctrl><Alt>N", "Circle the window posisition");
//addSetting("position_cycle","3 3 9 1 3 9 1 7 7", "List of positions (num pad orientation)");
addSetting("position_cycle","2 3 6 1 3 9 4 7 8", "List of positions (num pad orientation)");
addSetting("display_numblock","1", null);
addSetting("window_selectable","1","To use the keyboard window as virtual keyboard, disable this entry.");
Einstellungen, die der Übersicht halber nicht in der Konfigurationsdatei stehen.
private void add_intern_values(){
private bool search_config_file(string conffile){
var file = File.new_for_path (conffile);
return file.query_exists(null);
private int create_conf_file(string conffile){
var file = File.new_for_path (conffile);
//Create a new file with this name
var file_stream = file.create (FileCreateFlags.NONE);
// Test for the existence of file
if (! file.query_exists ()) {
stdout.printf ("Can't create config file.\n");
return -1;
// Write text data to file
var data_stream = new DataOutputStream (file_stream);
data_stream.put_string ("#Show/Hide the window\n");
data_stream.put_string ("show_shortcut=<Ctrl><Alt>R\n");
data_stream.put_string ("#Show window on top\n");
data_stream.put_string ("on_top=1\n");
foreach( Gee.Map.Entry<string, string> e in this.config.entries){
if( this.description.has_key(e.key) ){
data_stream.put_string ( "# "+ this.description.get(e.key) +"\n" );
data_stream.put_string ( e.key+" = "+e.value+"\n" );
} // Streams
catch ( GLib.IOError e){ return -1; }
catch ( GLib.Error e){ return -1; }
return 0;
private int load_config_file(string conffile){
// A reference to our file
var file = File.new_for_path (conffile);
try {
// Open file for reading and wrap returned FileInputStream into a
// DataInputStream, so we can read line by line
var in_stream = new DataInputStream ( (null));
string line;
string[] split;
var comment = new Regex("^#.*$");
var regex = new Regex("(#[^=]*)*[ ]*=[ ]*");
// Read lines until end of file (null) is reached
while ((line = in_stream.read_line (null, null)) != null) {
//stdout.printf ("%s\n", line);
if( comment.match(line)) continue;
split = regex.split(line);
//debug(split[0]+" "+split[1]+"\n");
} catch (GLib.IOError e) {
error ("%s", e.message);
//return -1;
} catch (RegexError e) {
error ("%s", e.message);
//return -1;
}catch (GLib.Error e) {
error ("%s", e.message);
//return -1;
return 0;