SVN-Revnummern durch Git-Hashes ersetzt in den Makedateien.
Git ist nun obligatorisch, Subversion nicht mehr.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,11 +64,8 @@
# /yaml/
@ -1,41 +1,6 @@
@echo off
echo Setting default local path variables
:: TortoiseSVN and its clever tool SubWCRev
set Tsvnpath=C:\Programme\TortoiseSVN\bin
set ahkpath=C:\Programme\AutoHotkey
if exist _local_paths.bat call _local_paths.bat
set SubWCRev=%Tsvnpath%\SubWCRev.exe
set Ahk2Exe=%ahkpath%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe
REM The path to the authohotkey directory in the local svn copy, MUST be "."
set srcdir=..\src
set bindir=..\bin
set ahkrevtemplate1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.tmpl.ahk
set ahkrevoutput1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.generated.ahk
set batrevtemplate1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.tmpl.bat
set batrevoutput1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.bat
set NEO2AppData=%APPDATA%\NEO2
set customahk=%NEO2AppData%\custom.ahk
set customahkbuild=%customahk%.buildtmp
REM The path to the directory used for generating a consistent SVN version (revision number)
set svnversiondir1=.
echo Generating Version File
"%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir1%" "%ahkrevtemplate1%" "%ahkrevoutput1%"
"%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir1%" "%batrevtemplate1%" "%batrevoutput1%"
call "%batrevoutput1%"
set fnexe=%bindir%\neo20-custom.exe
set fnahk=%srcdir%\neo20-all.ahk
echo Compiling the new Driver using Autohotkey
"%Ahk2Exe%" /in "%fnahk%" /out "%fnexe%" /icon "%srcdir%\neo_enabled.ico"
echo Driver Update complete! You can now close this log-window.
call "make-build.bat" %fnexe%
@ -1,42 +1,34 @@
@echo off
echo Setting default local path variables
:: TortoiseSVN and its clever tool SubWCRev
set Tsvnpath=C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin
set ahkpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoHotkey
if exist _local_paths.bat call _local_paths.bat
set SubWCRev=%Tsvnpath%\SubWCRev.exe
set Ahk2Exe=%ahkpath%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe
REM The path to the authohotkey directory in the local svn copy, MUST be "."
set srcdir=..\src
set bindir=..\bin
set ahkrevtemplate1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.tmpl.ahk
set ahkrevoutput1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.generated.ahk
set batrevtemplate1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.tmpl.bat
set batrevoutput1=%srcdir%\_subwcrev1.bat
set ahkrevoutput1=%srcdir%\_gitwcrev.generated.ahk
set NEO2AppData=%APPDATA%\NEO2
set NEO2AppData=%APPDATA%\Neo2
set customahk=%NEO2AppData%\custom.ahk
set customahkbuild=%customahk%.buildtmp
REM The path to the directory used for generating a consistent SVN version (revision number)
set svnversiondir1=.
echo Generating version file
for /f "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%R in (`"git rev-parse HEAD"`) do set Revision=%%R
set Revision=%Revision:~0,7%
echo Generating Version File
"%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir1%" "%ahkrevtemplate1%" "%ahkrevoutput1%"
"%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir1%" "%batrevtemplate1%" "%batrevoutput1%"
call "%batrevoutput1%"
echo Revision:="%Revision%" > "%ahkrevoutput1%"
set fnexe=%bindir%\neo20.exe
"%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir1%" -nm
if errorlevel 1 (
git diff --exit-code > nul
set fnexe=%bindir%\neo20-r%Revision%.exe
REM Overwrite binary output name if given as parameter
if "%1:" NEQ ":" (
set fnexe=%1
echo removing old version(s) of NEO AHK Exe file
echo Removing old version(s) of Neo AHK Exe file
del "%bindir%\neo20-r*.exe" 2> nul
set fnahk=%srcdir%\neo20-all.ahk
@ -45,12 +37,12 @@ if exist "%customahk%" (
move "%customahk%" "%customahkbuild%"
echo Compiling the new Driver using Autohotkey
echo Compiling the new driver using AutoHotkey
"%Ahk2Exe%" /in "%fnahk%" /out "%fnexe%" /icon "%srcdir%\neo_enabled.ico"
if exist "%customahkbuild%" (
move "%customahkbuild%" "%customahk%"
echo Driver Update complete! You can now close this log-window.
echo Driver update complete! You can now close this log window.
@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
@echo off
echo Setting local path variables
:: TortoiseSVN and its clever tool SubWCRev
set Tsvnpath=C:\Programme\TortoiseSVN\bin
set SubWCRev=%Tsvnpath%\SubWCRev.exe
echo Setting default local path variables
set ahkpath=C:\Programme\AutoHotkey
set AutoHotKey=%ahkpath%\AutoHotKeyU32.exe
REM The path to the authohotkey directory in the local svn copy, MUST be "."
set srcdir=..\src
set bindir=..\bin
set batrevtemplate2=%srcdir%\_subwcrev2.tmpl.bat
set batrevoutput2=%srcdir%\_subwcrev2.bat
REM The path to the directory used for generating a consistent SVN version (revision number)
set gitversiondir=..\..\..\Compose
echo Generating Version File
"%SubWCRev%" "%gitversiondir%" "%batrevtemplate2%" "%batrevoutput2%"
call "%batrevoutput2%"
echo Getting git revision
for /f "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%R in (`"git rev-parse HEAD"`) do set CompRevision=%%R
set CompRevision=%CompRevision:~0,7%
set fncomp=%srcdir%\compose.generated.ahk
"%SubWCRev%" "%gitversiondir%" -nm
if errorlevel 1 (
git diff --exit-code > nul
set fncomp=%srcdir%\compose-tainted.generated.ahk
echo Deleting old Compose sequences
echo Deleting old compose sequences
del "%srcdir%\Compose.generated.ahk" "%srcdir%\Compose-tainted.generated.ahk" 2> nul
SET CompRevision=0815
echo Compiling Compose sequences
echo Compiling compose sequences
"%AutoHotkey%" "%srcdir%\makecompose.ahk" "%CompRevision%" "%fncomp%" "%gitversiondir%\src\en_US.UTF-8" "%gitversiondir%\src\base.module" "%gitversiondir%\src\greek.module" "%gitversiondir%\src\math.module" "%gitversiondir%\src\lang.module" "%gitversiondir%\src\weiter_Definitionen.txt"
echo Compose Update complete! You can now close this log-window.
echo Compose update complete! You can now close this log window.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
set Revision=$WCREV$$WCMODS?M:$$WCMIXED?X:$
@ -1 +0,0 @@
set CompRevision=$WCREV$$WCMODS?M:$$WCMIXED?X:$
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
; Revision Information (don't moun)
#include *i _subwcrev1.generated.ahk
#include *i _gitwcrev.generated.ahk
; die Compose-Definitionen
#include *i compose.generated.ahk
Reference in New Issue
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