Ziparchive aus den .dll-Dateien automatisch erstellen

This commit is contained in:
qwertfisch 2023-09-05 02:46:31 +02:00
parent b24d10d001
commit db333be48e
2 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@echo off
call zip_layout neo2 neo
call zip_layout gr2 qwertz
call zip_layout bone
call zip_layout mine
call zip_layout koy
call zip_layout noted

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
@echo off
IF [%~1]==[] (
echo Bitte das entsprechende Layout angeben, so benannt wie das Quellverzeichnis ^(ohne "kbd"^).
exit /b
IF NOT EXIST ..\source\kbd%1 (
echo Das Layoutverzeichnis kbd%1 existiert nicht.
exit /b
REM Falls notwendig, vollständigen Pfad zur (7z) Executable angeben
SET zipcmd=7z
REM Switches: Ziparchiv, normale Kompression, rekursiv
SET zipswitches=a -tzip -mx5 -r
SET layout=kbd%1
IF NOT [%~2]==[] SET layout=kbd%2
pushd ..\source\kbd%1
IF EXIST %layout%64 rmdir /S /Q %layout%64
IF EXIST %layout%32 rmdir /S /Q %layout%32
echo Kopiere Dateien ...
mkdir %layout%64\System32
mkdir %layout%64\SysWOW64
copy x64\kbd%1.dll %layout%64\System32\ >NUL
copy x86-wow64\kbd%1.dll %layout%64\SysWOW64\ >NUL
copy ..\..\build\%layout%_win10_install.reg %layout%64\ >NUL
copy ..\..\build\%layout%_win10_uninstall.reg %layout%64\ >NUL
mkdir %layout%32\System32
copy x86\kbd%1.dll %layout%32\System32\ >NUL
copy ..\..\build\%layout%_win10_install.reg %layout%32\ >NUL
copy ..\..\build\%layout%_win10_uninstall.reg %layout%32\ >NUL
echo Erstelle Zip-Archive ...
%zipcmd% %zipswitches% %layout%64\ >NUL
IF %errorlevel% EQU 0 rmdir /S /Q %layout%64
%zipcmd% %zipswitches% %layout%32\ >NUL
IF %errorlevel% EQU 0 rmdir /S /Q %layout%32