Download not possible #545

открыта 2020-06-23 22:27:14 +02:00 aaron · комментариев: 4
aaron прокомментировал(а) 2020-06-23 22:27:14 +02:00

Hello! I just wanted to download the layout but it doesnt work. By clicking the button theres just a 404 written.
Thanks for your help!

Hello! I just wanted to download the layout but it doesnt work. By clicking the button theres just a 404 written. Thanks for your help! Aaron
imp прокомментировал(а) 2020-06-23 22:36:46 +02:00

Can you please tell us which link you try do download and on which page it is?

Can you please tell us which link you try do download and on which page it is?
qwertfisch прокомментировал(а) 2020-06-23 22:52:37 +02:00

Due to an internal change, some (most) of the links to any Wiki pages were broken. The homepage should be fixed now. @aaron please check again.

Due to an internal change, some (most) of the links to any Wiki pages were broken. The homepage should be fixed now. @aaron please check again.
Thomi прокомментировал(а) 2020-09-13 19:22:10 +02:00

I don't know which site aaron tried to download from but for me the download link from the linux installation page ( does not work.

I don't know which site aaron tried to download from but for me the download link from the linux installation page ( does not work.
hrnz прокомментировал(а) 2020-09-13 19:27:38 +02:00

This wiki entry is a bit outdated. I'll fix it in a second. There is no need to download the xkbmaps for neo because neo and most of the derivated layouts like neoqwertz, bone, koy, adnw etc are contained in upstream xkeyboard-config.

This wiki entry is a bit outdated. I'll fix it in a second. There is no need to download the xkbmaps for neo because neo and most of the derivated layouts like neoqwertz, bone, koy, adnw etc are contained in upstream xkeyboard-config.
hrnz закрыл(а) эту задачу 2020-10-25 13:20:57 +01:00
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Ссылка: neo/neo-layout#545
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