fix: incorrect key mapping for backquote key < #659

kitsunekyo wants to merge 1 commits from kitsunekyo/neo-layout:bugfix/macos_broken_nubs into master
First-time contributor

for some reason both IntlBackSlash ^ and Backquote < were mapped to action id 5. for that reason the < key could not be used correctly as modifier key by karabiner.

see ukelele image 2 for how it should be.

for some reason both IntlBackSlash `^` and Backquote `<` were mapped to action id 5. for that reason the `<` key could not be used correctly as modifier key by karabiner. see ukelele image 2 for how it should be.
kitsunekyo added 1 commit 2024-07-09 13:06:43 +02:00
for some reason both IntlBackSlash `^` and Backquote `<` were mapped to action id 5. for that reason the `<` key could not be used correctly as modifier key by karabiner.
kitsunekyo closed this pull request 2024-07-09 13:27:39 +02:00

Pull request closed

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