to support automatic switching with light and dark mode. This is known as a template icon. It generally makes the icons fit better with the macOS standard keyboard layout icons. Though, we are restricted to a square icon. There seems to be no way of getting a rectangular item as used in the most recent versions of macOS. Additionally, stroke widths has been increased to make the font a bit more legible in the small icons. The new icons only contain sizes up to 32x32@2x. I don't think the keyboard layout icons are displayed with a larger size anywhere, so this should be sufficient (not even sure that the 32x32 icon is used).
764 B
764 B
macOS icons
This folder contains vector graphics to create the macOS icons from.
There are two variants for 16x16 sized and 32x32 sized icons. In both variants, the stroke width of the logo is increased to keep it at least someone legible on the small icon sizes. The 16x16 stroke width is even heavier than the 32x32 stroke width.
Use the SVG files to generate the following PNG file in folder ending with
(use grayscale with alpha channel):
- `icon_16x16@2x.png'
- `icon_32x32@2x.png'
Then the folder can be converted to an ICNS file with iconutil
iconutil -c icns -o output.icns input.iconset
The ICNS file can then be assigned to the respective layout in the bundle file with Ukelele.