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# (?, QWERTZ-^): [xkb, mOd, kbd, ahk, [
# {?: [lin, kbd, ahk, {x,y: grafikpositionen, e: erläuterung in der referenz}*],
# {b: breite, v: vollbreite, h: höhe, w: vollhöhe, x,y: grafik, f: farbe, c: capslock(False), e: s.o.}]
(ˆ, QWERTZ-^): [TLDE, 49, VK_OEM_1, VKDCSC029, [
{ˆ: [dead_circumflex, WCH_DEAD, Tcflx, {e: "Toter Zirkumflex (sieht aus wie U+02C6 MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT)"}]},
{˜: [dead_tilde, WCH_DEAD, Ttlde, "Tote Tilde (sieht aus wie U+02DC SMALL TILDE)"]},
{°: [dead_abovering, WCH_DEAD, Tobrg, "Toter Ring (sieht aus wie U+02DA RING ABOVE)"]},
{ˇ: [dead_caron]},
{˘: [dead_breve]},
{¯: [dead_macron]}],
# {7: NoSymbol},
{e: "T1 („Tote Taste 1“: Taste links neben der 1)",
c: False}],
(1, QWERTZ-1): [ AE01, 10, [
{1: [1]},
{°: [degree]},
{¹: [onesuperior]},
{ª: [ordfeminine]},
{: [onesubscript]},
{¬: [notsign]}],
{c: False}]
- [2, AE02, 11]
- [2, 2]
- [§, section]
- [², twosuperior]
- [º, masculine]
- [₂, twosubscript]
- [, logicalor]
- [3, AE03, 12]
- [3, 3]
- [, U2213]
- [³, threesuperior]
- [№, numerosign]
- [₃, threesubscript]
- [∧, logicaland]
- [4, AE04, 13]
- [4, 4]
- [»]
- []
- [⇞]
- [†]
- [⊥]
- [5, AE05, 14]
- [5, 5]
- [«]
- []
- [‧]
- [♀]
- [∡]
- [6, AE06, 15]
- [6, 6]
- [€]
- [¢]
- [£]
- [♂]
- [∥]
- [7, AE07, 16]
- [7, 7]
- [$]
- [¥]
- [¤]
- [κ]
- [→]
- [8, AE08, 17]
- [8, 8]
- [„]
- []
- [/]
- [⟨]
- [∞]
- [9, AE09, 18]
- [9, 9]
- [0, AE10, 19]
- [0, 0]
- [-, AE11, 20]
- ["`", AE12, 21]
- [⌫, BKSP, 22]
- [Tab, TAB, 23]
- [x, AD01, 24]
- [v, AD02, 25]
- [l, AD03, 26]
- [c, AD04, 27]
- [w, AD05, 28]
- [k, AD06, 29]
- [h, AD07, 30]
- [g, AD08, 31]
- [f, AD09, 32]
- [q, AD10, 33]
- [ß, AD11, 34]
- [Enter, AD13, 36] #?
- [Mod3, CAPS, 66]
- [u, AC01, 38]
- [i, AC02, 39]
- [a, AC03, 40]
- [e, AC04, 41]
- [o, AC05, 42]
- [s, AC06, 43]
- [n, AC07, 44]
- [r, AC08, 45]
- [t, AC09, 46]
- [d, AC10, 47]
- [y, AC11, 48]
- [Mod3, AC01, 51]
- Mod2
- Mod4
- [ü, AB01, 52]
- [ö, AB02, 53]
- [ä, AB03, 54]
- [p, AB04, 55]
- [z, AB05, 56]
- [b, AB06, 57]
- [m, AB07, 58]
- [Komma, AB08, 59]
- [Punkt, AB09, 60]
- [j, AB10, 61]
- Mod2
- Strg
- Fenster
- Alt
- [Leertaste, SPCE, 65]
- [Mod4]
- Fenster
- Menü
- Strg
- [Tab, NMLK]
- [Geteilt, KPDV]
- [Mal, KPMU]
- [Minus, KPSU]
- [7, KP7]
- [8, KP8]
- [9, KP9]
- [Plus, KPAD]
- [4, KP4]
- [5, KP5]
- [6, KP6]
- [1, KP1]
- [2, KP2]
- [3, KP3]
- [Return, KPEN]
- [0, KP0]
- [Komma, KPDL]