
33 lines
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@echo off
echo Setting local path variables
REM The path to the AutoHotkey program
set ahk=C:\Programme\AutoHotkey
REM The path to the AutoHohotkey directory in the local svn copy
set svn=.
REM Just some useful shortcuts:
set scr="%svn%\Source"
set fn=neo20
echo Killing the old (AHK)Driver
REM tskill neo20-all-in-one
echo Creating a new Driver from the Source code
REM The order *is* important!
copy "%scr%\Warning.ahk" + "%scr%\Changelog-and-Todo.ahk" + "%scr%\Global-Part.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Layers.ahk" + "%scr%\Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk" + "%scr%\Keys-Neo.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Lights.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Other.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-Unicode.ahk" + "%scr%\Methods-ScreenKeyboard.ahk" "%svn%\%fn%.ahk"
REM if exist "%svn%\Compose\Compose-all-in-one.ahk" copy "%svn%\%fn%.ahk" + "%svn%\Compose\Compose-all-in-one.ahk" "%svn%\%fn%.ahk"
echo Compiling the new Driver using AutoHotkey
"%ahk%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in "%svn%\%fn%.ahk" /out "%svn%\%fn%.exe" /icon "%svn%\neo.ico"
echo Driver Update complete! You can now close this log-window.
REM Start the new Driver
rem wie kann man hier mit der Skriptabarbeitung weitermachen?
rem Unter Windows XP scheint es nicht möglich zu sein, dies mit "Bordmitteln" zu erreichen, es gibt hierfür jedoch extere Programme, etwa
REM echo Start the new driver asynchronously, using "Hidden Start" (hstart.exe) from
REM hstart.exe /NOCONSOLE /D="%exe%" "%exe%\%fn%.exe"